Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bass Fishing on the fly!

The only thing I enjoy more about the outdoors other than, NOTHING. Absolutely Nothing! I don't know what it is about fly fishing that just makes my blood pump like a 6 yr old the night before Christmas. I got out today on a "trip" to the Grocery Store. I just so happened to have a 5wt fly rod in the trunk of my car, ready to go with a hand tied Black Wooly Bugger. I stopped on the way and fished for about 30 mins. As I was casting, Bass were coming into the shallows chasing bait fish and I knew it was going to be good...Especially the size of the wakes they were making. This smaller bass below, barely let the fly hit the water before it nailed it.

After a while, I kinda wondered if I was going to catch anything else. Don't get me wrong, I could catch smaller bass all day long. I casted out and started stripping in the fly when BAM! There was no doubt I had a nice one. Then when it started to run, I realized it was a much bigger bass than the first one. I had to start letting some line out so it wouldn't break off. It wasn't long before it tired, but I fought it long enough to reel in the rest of my fly line. I took these pictures with my cell phone. I estimate it to be 16+ inches long...2nd one that size of this early spring.

When I got home, I had to explain why it took me almost 1 hr to go to the store and pick up a few small things...My wonderful wife just looks at me and shakes her head.

Tight Lines, Brad

1 comment:

fshng84 said...

The "Grocery Store" excuse works everytime.... Nice Bass!